Missing teeth - Not at all!

We are using our teeth to chew the food. This is an obvious statement, but most of the people just turn to the dentist when they lose a front teeth and it is visible. This phenomenon shows to us; people are focuse on the aesthatics, even if the practical functions are more important. 

We are using our teeth to chew the food. This is an obvious statement, but most of the people just turn to the dentist when they lose a front teeth and it is visible. This phenomenon shows to us; people are focuse on the aesthatics, even if the practical functions are more important. 

Importancy of the teeth

Ideally an adult has 32 teeth, 28 without the wisdom teeth.  The place, the shape and the eruption of the teeth in different stages has a specified reason; the perfect chewing.

Even in the chewing mechanism every tooth has its own role. The front teeth are thinner (incisor and canine) “cutting” the food and the teeth on the back of the jaw (molars) are grind it. During the chewing the food gradually gets inner the mouth, after this thorough “preparation”  it goes to the esophagus and then it arrives to the stomach, which is the place of the digestion.

Lost a back teeth - Never mind (?!)

Many people think that, mostly about their back teeth, one missing teeth doesn’t count because they have some more what they can “use”.  BUT one enduring missing teeth has many harmful effects on all the other healty teeth in the mounth.

Our teeth get lot of pressure during the chewing. If one tooth falls out or extracted and the patient don’t get any replacement, the healthy teeth on the sides of the gap lost lose their stand and the pressure on the teeth won’t be equal any more. Because of the unequal pressure each teeth get a bigger starin, in this way they have a greatre erosion , they deteriorate easily. 

More teeth are missing, the greater load is applied to the remaining teeth, so they are more, faster eroding

The conesquences of the missing tooth:

  • Additional tooth loss: The increased erosion of the remaining teeth is the consequence of the enduring teeth missing. And where isn’t any teeth, there isn’t any pressure on the jaw so the bone get loose.  Because of the weaker bone structure the remaining teeth can crank and fall out.

  • Digestive disorders: The chewing is the first and most important phase of the digestion.  The stomach not able to digest the incorrectly chewed food, and this can cause serious stomach-complaint, reflux or acidification, even stomachic ulcer.
    General health deterioration:Our body is not able to pick up the necessary vitamins and minerals from the incorretly chewed and digested food. Without this the immune system is getting weaker until the point, when our body couldn’t protect itself  any more from the several illnesses.

  • Psychological effect: After the eyes the teeth, the smile is the second what we are viewing on each other. People living with a gappy smile have greater chance to be depressed, especially even if they have bad breath, too. These people easily can feel like they are ignored by their environment, and sadly that can be a real problem many times.

Slow process:

The diseases caused by the enduring teeth missing are developing slowly. People can live with one-two missing teeth comfortably, without any trouble.
The mentioned problems above not appear one by one, they occures from each other. Several other diseases can come as neopathy of the inappproriate eating or the depression, just think about the disease of the cardiovascular-system or in extrem cases the cancer.

How can we deffense these troubles?

Of course nobody will be a cancer patient with digest disorders and serious depression in few month because of some missing teeth. But we have to know that how many troubles can be caused by a simple teeth missing when we don’t take any care of it.
Nowadays we have several opportunities and techniques to replace our teeth. Most of these - depeneds on the condition of the patient - low-budget, fast and painless.

Well, now you can see the importancy of turning to the dentist with your first missing tooth.

You can apply for the free consultation on our website: implantwithinaweek.co.uk

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